Friday, September 16, 2022
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Coronavirus, by Lazaris
From Lazaris:
mystery. The Corona virus lives up to its name; a mystery that kills. A
mysterious non-living parasite that infects with little or no notice. A virus,
like any other virus, yet so very different as its threats are not only deadly,
they are crippling. All-right. Certainly so.
you are. And here we are coming to be with you. Even in the midst of
these tragic times; these times of so much fear and uncertainty. Even in the
midst of all this, it is always a pleasure; always a joy to be with you and to
explore with you. So, here you are and here we are joining you. So, let’s
is this virus? And more, what is this viral resonance all about? As with any
reality that you participate in, that you are creating by causing or allowing,
and in this case, by allowing. It is first important to assess the following:
is this corona virus doing to you?
is this virus taking away from you?
is this virus impeding you?
what is it giving to you?
is it feeding your resistance?
is it feeding your impedance?
your questions and however you phrase them, it is important to ask,
does this virus deny you?
permission does this virus give you?
all these questions are not necessarily relevant to you, but by asking them,
you can open your gateway to understanding.
are you allowing this virus into your reality?
a distance, yes, and hopefully you can keep it at a distance, certainly so.
But, you are allowing this virus into your reality.
Why are you?
does this virus mean to you?
is a mystery, and mystery is fertile stuff. In the grand sweep of reality
creation, first you create the space, the dominion, and then you infuse that
space with mystery. Only then do you create and manifest. Mystery is fertile
stuff. It sparks and triggers the raw materials of beliefs and attitudes,
of thoughts and feelings and of decisions and choices. Mystery sparks and
triggers all, in varying degrees and in varying ways, all the raw materials. It
sharpens the tools of creation. It sharpens and hones imagination, especially
imagination. And, expectation and desire are soon to follow. Mystery also
challenges the generating energies of trust, of gratitude, and of happiness and
joy. Mystery even challenges value. Yes, mystery is fertile stuff and this
mysterious virus is excessively fertile; fiercely and violently fertile.
there have been epidemic, even pandemic, viruses before. There are viruses out
there; viruses are continually out there, in the atmospheres of your world.
Each year, for example, the flu virus kills millions of people globally. The
corona virus is like, and it is unlike, other viruses. It is unfolding in an
explosive manner and it has the attention of the world. For you to take charge
of your reality as a masterful magician, and to stand tall, and to raise your
voice as a masterful map-maker, an artisan of great work during this run away
time of global crisis. A crisis which is killing thousands of people and
altering the lives of millions, it is important for you to grasp an
understanding of the back drop and the foundation of this corona virus.
have talked of the rip-tide like under-currents that are tearing at your world.
The lack of vision, along with the lack of wisdom, foster the collapse of
imagination and the drought of dreams. Imaging and dreaming are fueled by
vision and by wisdom. That collapse and drought deepens the growing sense of
alienation and the growing sense of not belonging. It leaves the terrain of
possibility and the terrain of futures, arid. And, as dogma replaces dialogue,
all of this hinges on a fulcrum of passion and compassion that is alarmingly
absent in your world. The result?
the back drop of turbulence ripping at the foundation, irrational and
unimaginable fears, fears that lack imagination and wisdom begin to accelerate.
Without the foundation of wisdom and compassion, rumors foment. The environment
of fear, irrational exaggeration and rumors add to the foment of this virus.
Different from others viruses at a deeper and more tragic level, people feel
left out. Abandoned, with no future and with no hope, alienated in a world that
they feel is no longer theirs. They want out.
have given up and they want to die, without putting those words to their
desire. They don’t consciously want to die. They are not suicidal. Yet they
want this life to end, without naming their desire. Others want to give up.
They haven’t done so yet, but they want to give up. They want to be done with
all of this mess. They want it to be over. They want to leave, without
articulating what leaving means. You hear the phrase,
am tired of this mess. I just want it to end. I want it to be over.”
corona virus is a response to the unconscious and subconscious desire for the
current reality and the current world to end. Few among the many that have
corona virus will die, have made their peace with dying, and have come to see
dying as the ultimate healing. They are ready to die, and they, along with
their higher self and soul, are using this virus as an easy, even for some,
elegant way to leave the physical behind.
among the many, are dying. For some, ripped and torn by these under-currents,
the desire of wanting out, the desire has become a petri dish that attracts and
allows this non-living energy, this virus, to grow. This virus has become a
gateway; a portal. A gateway to fulfill that desire; that desire of wanting
out. The desire of wanting it all to end. The petri dish has attracted and
allowed this virus and it has become a gateway. It has opened and it continues
to open. It had grown; fierce and violent. It has festered. People are dying.
People are dying.
wait. You want the current world to end. You want to move through this
destructive phase of the old ways that are crumbling. You want it all to end.
But there is a difference. You have vision; visions of a new world. And, you
have wisdom. In the face of this turbulence and violence and injustice and
inhumanity, even in the face of this virus, you see a bigger picture. You have
imagination and you have dreams. Yes, you want it to end, but you are
articulate about what that means. You know you belong. You know that you’re in
the right place at the right time to deal with all of this and you resist
dogma, and reach and search for dialogue. If by chance you don’t, you should be
reaching for dialogue!
your core, you have compassion. And, compassion is what you need to close this
particular gateway; that this corona virus is offering by infecting the world.
You see, this virus is not only mysterious. It is complex. Its presence not
only offers an opportunity to exit, it also offers an opportunity to step back;
to pause and assess. It offers an opportunity to choose new direction; with new
choices and new decisions.
with the community spread of this virus, as people, and as you, opt to stay
home, retreating for a time from your regular routine and spending time alone
or with your family. There is the opportunity to assess your relationship with
your community and family, your community of spiritual family and your
community of friends. As people, out of choice or necessity, disrupt their
daily routine, as you disrupt your automatic routine, you have the opportunity
to re-evaluate how you live your life, assessing what you do and who you are
being. With that assessment, you have the opportunity to make new choices or
decisions and to find new direction. The presence of this virus does not give
you new decisions or choices or directions, but it does offer you the
corona virus inspires a new look at mattering. People, aware of this raging
virus and the destruction left in its path, begin to look at what matters to
them personally. For you, the virus can inspire a look at the mystery of
mattering, with its power and its magic. It can inspire you to understand the
things that matter; the values that matter. And the love and the beauty that
matters in your life. Beyond understanding, you can value the matter and
mattering. You can accept it and own it. You can be it. You can be it!! You can
embrace the mattering as part of your new being.
are standing at a pinnacle. How you move and where you move is crucial to the
next phase of your life and to the next phase of who you are. It’s not just how
you respond to this virus but in responding to it, you can find the clues of
how and where to move.
we suggest, awaken your compassions and activate your imagination and your
dreams. Very consciously, embrace your imaging and imaginings and the dreaming
that you have. Embrace them consciously. You know you’re a dreamer; you know
you’re an imager. But live it; be conscious of it. In the face of this virus,
in the face of what’s going on, in order to close that gateway, awaken your
compassion and activate your imagination and your dreams. Flow your imaginings
and your dreams into the world. You won’t lose them by releasing them into the
world. In fact, you’ll gain them. Flow your imaginings and your dreams into a
world where imagination collapsed and dreams are absent. Flow them into the
world and particularly into the hotspots of this virus. Flow the imaging and
your dreaming.
we suggest that you flow compassion to those who want this world to end without
having a vision of what that means. Flow your compassion to those that are lost
or think they are lost, who are living in a world that is not their own; who
want out and who want to exit. Flow your compassion to them. Flow
compassion rich with love and beauty and joy and hope. Flow compassion to these
people. You don’t need to know them, but you know that they are out there. Flow
compassion rich with love, beauty, joy and hope and flow it to humanity. In
this compassion, include seeds of a vibrant future of love and beauty and joy
and hope. Joy is the healer. Hope is the initiator and the herald of a bright
suggestion, disrupt your daily routine and assess what matters to you. Don’t
just repeat your list. Move beyond your clichés. Don’t abandon them just move
beyond them. Take the time to really understand not only what matters but “why”
it matters to you. Also assess the worth of those things that matter to
you. Prioritize them, maybe that’s what you want to call it. But to
assess the worth of the things that matter to you. That is, assess how much it
is worth you give to the mattering in your life. How much attention? With what
intention? How do you change your action and your image connected to the
mattering in your life? As you embrace mattering, let it be natural. A part of
your nature; a part of your grace. Yes. By allowing mattering to be a part of
your nature; to be a part of your grace, you contribute to the healing energy.
The healing energy in which this virus cannot survive.
another suggestion, call upon the Sage Healers of Lemuria. Call upon the
Ancient Ones; the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of Sirius. Create a specific
co-creating team that focuses on responding to this virus. Now, you work
co-creation magic, and you have your co-creation team for all forms and
expressions of co-creation magic, that’s so. But in this case, to respond to
this particular circumstance and situation, create a very specific team,
picking and choosing among the Grandfathers and Grandmothers and maybe even
from the Faerie Realm, to come together. This particular team has this purpose
of focusing on the virus. Not just to heal and eliminate the virus, but a team
dedicated to responding to the virus. Perhaps that focus might be to close the
gateways, or it might be to expand the reach of the opportunity, the positive
reach of the opportunity to mitigate this virus.
suggestion; a way to work. And another. Protect yourself. Yes, in the
very physical ways. But protect yourself very consciously and regularly with a
touch of love and with a touch of beauty. In whatever ways you can do that; to
stop and bubble yourself, to wrap yourself and to embrace yourself. To immerse
yourself in protection. To surrender your sense of separateness, and allow that
touch of love; that touch of beauty, to be in you, with you and within you.
are beginning a new series of blendings called, “A Time to Touch.” We are using
this opportunity of the corona virus to set this series in motion. You can use
this new blending, or, in your own way, method, technique, let yourself be
touched by love and be touched by beauty. It is your protection against this
virus. And, it also creates a map, yes, a map, for others when they are ready.
a suggestion. With your higher self and soul, create your own personal
technique to respond to the corona virus; this virus that you are allowing to
be a part of your reality. Work with your higher self; work withy our soul. Own
the fact that you are allowing it. Why are you allowing it? Create a technique
your own way. Uniquely your own way or perhaps, or similar to another
are suggestions of how you may respond to this virus and the reality that
allows it to be. Choose among the several of these approaches or allow these
approaches to inspire something else; something new. Something entirely new and
different within you. Something creative; innovative. Be the masterful
magician; the artisan that you truly are. Value it. And, with grace, be it. We
love you. We love you. We close with love, oh yes. Always with love and peace."
— Lazaris